Principal’s Message

The establishment of Udai Pratap Public School saw the dawn of the realization of the long cherished dream of a great visionary Raja Udai Pratap Singh Ju Dev. Rajarshi was born in Bhinga on 3rd September 1850. He was a great sovereign, sagacious and beneficent patron of the learned. Rajarshi firmly believed in Holistic and person-oriented education where every child is encouraged with ample opportunities for the development of innate powers. We are earnestly following the ideals and principles of our venerable founder.

We mould our students and instil in them the power zeal, always striving forward with a fresh spirit undaunted by the obstacles they come across, each success infusing in them enthusiasm and confidence in unlimited proportions while each failure hardening the determination to persevere even more. Children are like wet cement; whatever falls on them makes an impression; While imparting education to our children, we not emphasize on completing our syllabi but to make them better persons too. Thus, all round development has to be taken care of, keeping their future in mind. Rajarshi aptly said that "knowledge was given to man to bless and not harass mankind, the education that does not further the ends of universal peace and progress is not deservage of the name".

The future belongs to the youth, keeping this in mind our greatest contribution in building the future of our children depends on our inculcating in them the need and urgency, of 'self-discipline' and 'positive attitude'. Udai Pratap public school has come a long way since its establishment in 1994. It has grown and matured into a thick banyan tree with strong roots and shady branches giving shelter and patronage to knowledge seekers. The institution is nestled in the lap of nature, sprawling Lush green campus which provides a congenial environment for education and learning. The institution is looked after by the prestigious Udai Pratap Educational Society headed by the Chairman Justice D.P. Singh (Retd) and Secretary Justice S. K. Singh (Retd). The Managing Committee is adorned with the most respectable and distinguished members of the society. Consistent valuable suggestions, encouragement and appreciation by the Management and parents has been a guiding spirit for the mission to enhance and upgrade the institution. Perseverance opens up treasures which bring perennial joy. Truly speaking we abide by the aforesaid through with conviction. We are, in fact striving hard with sheer determination and keen interest to develop qualities of discipline, politeness, modesty, honesty and tolerance in students so that they prove to be worthy citizens of our nation. The principal goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done, which surely involves innovative approaches to deal with things. I come to the end of my thoughts with best wishes to all my students. I have utmost faith in them as they have the Caliber and potential to reach the zenith of success. Every second brings a fresh beginning, every hour; a new promise, every night our dreams can bring hope and every day is what we choose to make it.

This is what they should always remember: -

If you would ever lose your faith, And stumble in your stride, Remember the dream that you hold, Is your purpose, is your pride.

Never think of losing

Your place is in the sun.

To have the courage, To have the faith, is to have already won;

So, I pray to the Almighty that he showers his choicest blessings on all so that the flow of success prevails. I hope that all the students of Udai Pratap Public School will flow smoothly towards the deep oceans of activities where the rays of the sun glisten on their overwhelming continuous efforts. I pray to God that these efforts prove to be equally meteoric in our success and help achieve what we have conceived.

I conclude with the following inspiring lines..........

Throwback the shoulders, Let the heart sing, Let the eyes flash,

Let the mind be lifted up, Look upwards and say to yourself……….

Nothing Is Impossible, Sail always from the harbour.......

Explore, Dream, Discover. Wreathed with high spirits, smiles, and undaunted positive approach, move ahead in life with determination, towards a bright future.

Jai Hind! Jai Rajarshi


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Principal, Udai Pratap Public School